
Lawsuit Help For My Fat Greek Gyro Lawsuit!

It was a year ago that I got diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes and obesity. My doctors kept telling me I’d have to get surgery…to “fix” my diabetes. They’d never heard of a “complicated lawsuit” called a My Big Fat Greek Gyro Lawsuit. So I sat in my chair, wondering what kind of “lawsuit” they were speaking of.

Well, it turned out that I wasn’t “terminally ill” or anything like that! But my doctor’s attempts to control my diabetes by controlling my food intake, insulin injections, etc…Spent far more time and resources than I bargained for. And I was tired of putting up with the lies and negligence of insurance companies. So I made up my mind.

I am filing this lawsuit today in a Federal Court in San Diego CA.

I want to receive fair compensation for my pain and suffering, which are extensive. If I’d had my surgery, then I’d be at a much better place. But what about all the other “short-term” effects of the operation? I don’t want to get my hopes up! But I’m going to do my part.

Today, I’ve learned that if you’re sick and tired of being taken advantage of, then you can file your own lawsuit against My Doctor’s Insurance Company and several insurance companies.

My lawyers will work closely with me to determine what the evidence will be, and what evidence we have to build our case. In the meantime, I just want to show support for my wife and kids, who’ve been through this process too. It can be very difficult dealing with diabetes, but it doesn’t have to ruin your life. There are ways to beat diabetes!

As I mentioned in my previous article, the only way we know how My Doctors Insurance Company will respond to our lawsuit, is to file our claim.

So now I’m working on filling out the legal forms, preparing the lawsuit, and getting our lawsuit together. This should take me no more than a few months! In the mean time, I’ve received great support from people who’ve heard my story before, and they keep me motivated!

My attorney has advised me not to sign any non-disclosure agreements with the companies we’re pursuing.

If I’m lucky enough to avoid having to enter into one, I’m going to sue them on my own for breach of contract! As you can imagine, this can be a very scary prospect. Our health is very important and signing a non-disclosure agreement would be stupid!

But I’ve learned that if you are truly concerned about your loved ones, and want to make sure that they are taken care of financially in the unfortunate event of my demise, signing a non-disclosure agreement may not be a bad idea.

In fact, I advise everyone to do so. In the long run, it protects them, as well as my family, from further expenses that could have been incurred had I not disclosed my diagnosis. And it allows me to avoid dealing with insurance companies during my lifetime. Thank you!

My biggest tip for you is to take action as soon as you possibly can. There are limited sources of help for victims of medical malpractice, and it is critical that you get the lawsuit started as quickly as possible. If you have received or are still receiving medical treatment for your diagnosed condition, or you are paying for your treatment out of pocket, act immediately to find out what your rights are and how to obtain the resources you need to bring your case to the next level.

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