It would not be wrong to say that the internet has become a defining feature of the 21st century. By enabling error-free communication of devices across the cloud and bringing all daily tasks up to date on the web, the internet paves the way to an increasingly mobile, productive, and technologically advanced future. In simple words, it powers the lifestyle of today’s digital beings. Without a stable internet connection, you cannot expect to interact, entertain, and educate yourself with as much ease as you currently can. However, not everything is rainbows and unicorns on the web.

The internet has some shady corners as well. These dark areas are populated by cyber-criminal entities that threaten to invade, corrupt, and destroy your digital existence. Only, if you are not careful enough. According to the University of Maryland, hackers attack user devices every 39 seconds, about 2244 times a day on average. This is why it is inevitable for you to safeguard your online presence and your home network against possible intrusion. Below are some of the best ways to do that for your convenience.

Rename your Wi-Fi Network

Most router manufacturers give their products a default SSID or Service Set Identifier, which acts as that network’s name. Whenever nearby PCs or laptops attempt to search for a wireless network in range, the default SSID of your router publically shows itself on the search list under the company’s name. This opens multiple avenues for hackers to narrow down and target your network. Therefore, as an added safety measure, you should try to change the default name of your wireless network into something that is private and not publicly broadcast.

Get ISP Sanctioned Protection

Most internet service providers like WOW Internet offer a Security Suite as an add-on to their plans. This pre-included software does a great job of monitoring your browsing activities, dissuading you from opening harmful sites, scanning your network for possible infections, and eliminating threats most efficiently. You might be wondering: ‘Can I find such a secure internet in my area?’ The answer is YES. There is a great probability that you will fall within the coverage of one of the providers as most ISPs do provide coverage in all states and are widely available. All you need to do is buck up the courage to search through Local Cable Deals to land the best internet facility for your household.

Password-Protect Everything

The importance of a strong password cannot be stressed enough, especially when it comes to your home network. A Wi-Fi connection that is not password-protected is like a residence whose front door is wide open for robbers to enter and loot everything in sight. So, always shield your network with an impenetrable password, which is not easy to guess, not accessible to strangers, and certainly not your mother’s maiden name.

Ensure Wi-Fi Encryption

Encryption is the process of blanketing your internet communication and encoding it in such, a way that it becomes impossible for third parties to understand. There are several network encryptions like the WEP (Wired Equivalency Privacy) or WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access), which you can acquire for your home wireless network. Nevertheless, the best one is WPA2 or “Wi-Fi Protected Access II” protocol. This security algorithm is compatible across devices and provides maximum protection on all levels.

Update Router Firmware

Technology is not above wear and tear. Similarly, internet hardware often is struck by certain internal and external problems that bring down the overall potential of the device. To address these device-related issues, router manufacturers roll out firmware updates, advanced bug fixes, and additional improvements regularly. Your wireless device is wired to receive these updates automatically and download them. However, in case the configuration is different, you can manually install these firmware updates and software patches to bring your router up to the mark, and protect it from possible breaches.

Final Words

The internet is like a two-faced coin with an equally good and bad side. If you wish to experience the web in a wholesome way, then you need to protect your network from the world of cybercrime, so your daily activities remain unaffected. Ignoring hackers and malicious attacks will do you no good. The aforementioned points will show you the easiest way in which you can have a safe and secure online presence. Implement them at your discretion and you will not regret it.

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