Dog Attack

If you’ve ever had a dog attack, you know that it can be a scary experience. It’s not just the fear of getting bitten—it’s also the fear of getting bit because you’re already in pain. It’s awful! We’ve all been there, and we want to help! Here are some tips to keep your dogs away from you when they’re angry:

Don’t Stare at the Dog

Dogs have a sixth sense of danger and will react accordingly. When you stare at them, they get even more anxious and aggressive. Instead, look away and focus on something else while they’re barking or lunging at you.

Staring at a charging dog only makes them feel like you’re challenging them or intend to harm them. For this reason, avoid looking at the dog’s eyes or mouth when retreating.

Back Away Slowly

If you’re worried about being attacked from behind, don’t try to run! Instead, back away slowly until there’s enough distance between yourself and the dog so that he won’t feel threatened by your presence.

If your dog is charging toward you with teeth bared, back away slowly while keeping eye contact with him/her. The idea here is to make it seem like your attention is elsewhere so that your dog doesn’t feel threatened by your gaze and will hopefully back off.

Remember to move in slow motions that won’t upset the dog further. The dog will confuse fast movements as an attack and feel the need to defend itself.

Don’t Yell

Yelling at an animal can cause them to become even more aggressive than before! Instead of yelling, use non-verbal communication that indicates “Stop!” without actually saying anything. For example: “No!” or “Stay!” will work just as well as “Don’t!”

Giving firm commands makes the dog understand that you’re in authority and that their behavior is unacceptable. If the dog is well trained, it’ll listen to your commands and retreat. However, if you yell, the dog will sense fear in you. As a canine, the fear in your voice will act as adrenaline for the dog, prompting it to charge at you and attack more aggressively.

Drop Some Treats

Drop some treats on the ground near the dog, then move them away from where they were trying to reach for them—this will make them think about their next move before committing one!

Treats will distract the dog and make them forget your existence. They might also make the dog be more friendly to you. However, don’t wait for the dog to change its attitude towards you. Once you get the chance to retreat, walk away slowly without alerting the dog. This way you’ll save yourself from a possible dog attack.


When you’re out in public with your dog, you might be tempted to interact with him more than necessary. But if you want to keep yourself safe, you have to remember that dogs can’t read your mind—and they can’t understand the things that make you nervous.

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