
Have You Been Involved In A Sanford Brown College Lawsuit?

The Sanford Brown College Lawsuit was filed against the William D. Ford Federal Credit Union for denying its students equal opportunity. Many say that the suit is merit based. It is one of the many college case lawsuits across the nation and has already won in Oregon and California.

Many of these lawsuits are being filed by professors who say that they were unfairly fired.

Other lawsuits have to do with housing issues. The Ford Credit Union allegedly discriminated against certain people who applied for jobs when they did not have a credit history. These lawsuits have been happening for several years now and it appears that it will only continue to increase. This lawsuit in particular has caused quite a stir amongst the nation.

There are quite a few reasons why there is so much litigation due to these lawsuits.

First of all, the courts are full of people who do not know how to handle lawsuits properly. They will usually ask the attorney for their opinion before making decisions. While the attorney may feel that this is good practice, the court often disagrees because many lawyers feel that the plaintiff is asking too much of them.

Another reason why the Sanford Brown College lawsuit has caused such a stir is because they went against the grain when it came to handling sexual harassment.

Many college administrators and others had previously ignored sexual harassment cases on college campuses. When this lawsuit happened, all of a sudden these administrators changed their tune and treated the entire situation as a rape. They claimed that it was no longer a case of workplace sexual harassment but instead a case of sexual discrimination.

There is yet another interesting twist to this whole mess.

Apparently, Ford College in Cambridge, Massachusetts has settled a sex discrimination lawsuit brought upon them by an employee who claimed that he was discriminated against due to his sexuality. Apparently, the settlement was going to be very large and the employees attorneys were hoping that this would sway the court in their favor. Only thing is that this particular settlement was not going to be paid out from the profits of the college.

If you are a college student and you have been involved in one of the Sanford Brown College lawsuits, you might think that it would stay with you for life.

However, the fact of the matter is that you do have the right to sue for damages. You have the right to recoup your losses and you have the right to pursue a claim against the school, the administration, and the current employee. If you are unable to work anymore from your college, you have the right to apply for unemployment benefits. The point is that you have rights and that every person in America has the right to take advantage of those rights.

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